The database in the language of computers means the storage of data. We call the collection of data as Database. For example, a university keeps all the notifications related to its students like Name, Roll Number, Address, Marks etc. in its database. Nowadays, the database has a special contribution to facilities like Online Banking, ATM, Online Reservation. Under these, there are stores in the All Notifications Database, which are accessed at your convenience. For example, wherever your Bank Account is anywhere, you can access it from anywhere and get the necessary information. All types of information like Audio, Video, Graphics, Image, etc. can be stored in the database.
The database management system is also commonly known as DBMS. A database management system stores data in such a way that it becomes easy to retrieve, manipulate, and produce information. DBMS is the set of computer programs that manage the database. Different users continue to access Application Programs from the same database. It is not only important to store information in the database, but it is also taken care of that it is convenient to access them. Database Management also handles System Data Sharing and Data Security.
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Types of Database
Depending on the requirements of database usage, the following types are available in the market
- Centralized Database
- Distributed Database
- Personal Database
- End-user Database
- Commercial Database
- NoSQL Database
- Operational Database
- Relational Database
- Cloud Database
- Object-oriented database
- Graph Database
Types of Database Model
There are three types of Database Model
- Network Model
- Hierarchical Model
- Relational Model
Network Model
The Network Model is also very powerful and Complicated. Because in this all the Nodes Table is interlinked. Therefore, we can represent the Network Model in the Graph Structure. In this type of database, data is shown as Record and the relationship between the data is shown as a link.
Hierarchical Model
It represents the Database Model Data in a tree-like structure that has only one root, to which all other data is attached. Hierarchical starts with Root Data and spreads like a tree, adding child nodes to parent nodes. This model efficiently describes many real-world relationships such as books, recipes, etc.
In a hierarchical model, data is organized in a tree-like structure with one-to-many relationships between two different types of data, for example, multiple courses in a department, many professors, and many students in the course Can be
Relational Model
Different Tables are used in Relational Model. Under this, data is stored as a table and different tables are added together. Oracle Relational Database Management System is a prime example of how information is stored as Objects in the Object-Oriented Database. Examples are concept Bass, Data Beans, Object Store, etc. Knowledge Base is also a special type of database that is used for Knowledge Management. It is used in Artificial Intelligence and Expert System.
Database features
- This reduces complex relationships between data.
- It is used to provide data security.
- It has ACID properties that maintain data in a healthy state in the event of failure.
- It can view the database from various perspectives according to the needs of the user.
- This can provide a clear and logical view of the process that manipulates the data.
- It uses digital repositories installed on the server to store and manage information.
- The database includes an automated backup and recovery process.
- It is used to support the manipulation and processing of data.
Benefits of database
Many advantages of database which are as follows
- This reduces development time and maintenance requirements.
- This can be easily maintained due to the centralized nature of the database system.
- Authorized users of an organization in the database can share data among multiple users.
- It provides various types of user interfaces such as graphical user interfaces, application program interfaces.
- The database can control redundancy because it stores all the data in a single database file and that recorded data is kept in the database.
- It provides a backup and recovery subsystem that creates automatic backups of data from hardware and software failures and restores the data if necessary.